Spot On – My Spotted Print Fabric Obsession
I know you’ve seen this style all over the place lately as it’s not new. But, it’s still fabulous, and I, along with many others, love spotted fabric. Some call it dalmatian (for obvious reasons), while others simply refer to it as “spots”. No matter the name, I have been on a mad search for it! I need this printed fabric for two items: My One Room Challenge and a fantastic settee that I need to re-upholster for a client. I keep going back to these images for my inspiration because I love the look of the spots as they can be paired with any decor or furniture. I’ve seen traditional wingbacks as well as modern curtains in this print.

Spotted Chaise on Design Sponge

The Hunted Interior – Spotted Drapery
So, after searching and searching, here are all the fabrics I’ve able to find that are “spotted”:
- Waverly Seeing Spots
Which is your favorite? Have you incorporated a “spotted” fabric in your home? Show me!