Kirsten Krason @ 6th Street Design School
Kirsten Krason… I met her at the Haven Conference, along with many other extremely talented individuals. But, she stuck out to me as being so creative and fun. I had to invite her to participate in my coffee chat series. Let’s get to know her some more…
Q. Prior to interior design what did you do?
Before I became interested in Interior Design I worked a lot of odd jobs! I pierced ears at the mall, sold sunglasses at a kiosk, worked for Utah State University, sold treadmills and waitressed for two years. I’m so glad those days are behind me!
Q. Where did you study interior design?
I started my degree at Utah State University, continued on at Mesa Community College and finished at LDS Business College. My husband’s job moved us around a lot so I had to take classes wherever I could!
Q. You have a partner named Erin who works with you, how did you two decide to start the business?
I’ve been best friends with Erin for over five years now. She was my seamstress so we’ve always had a good working relationship. She has great taste and understands how to run a business so it’s a good fit. I was honestly getting burnt out on running the business on my own, and she contributes a lot. We balance each other out so perfectly. It’s also so much more fun when you are working with your best friend! Our job hardly ever feels like work.
Q. What was the first project that you worked on, and what did you learn from that project?
One of my very first projects was for a girl that lives down the street. She has actually been one of my best clients and has stuck with me through the years. I learned how to assert my opinion which is something I’ve had to work on. She was really sweet and open to my ideas and the space turned out really good in the end!
Q. Have you ever had a project that you challenged you so much you wanted to refer it to another interior designer?
YES! LOL. This happens all the time. And sometimes we just have to part ways because it’s not a good fit for either of us. Most of my clients have been amazing, but a few have been really challenging and they suck all the joy out of designing. If it’s not working out I don’t feel bad referring them to someone they may work better with.
Q. What has been your favorite project so far?
Erin and I did a project a few months ago that I loved! It was the perfect combination of a really nice client with really good taste and a really pretty house. Her budget wasn’t huge, but we mixed a lot of high/low pieces to create a high-end look. The house is also a really good mix of our styles. It’s colorful but also has lots of neutral and organic elements.
Q. What is the most challenging part of creating a space for you?
Sometimes clients want you to create miracles. They have no budget but want their space to look like a million bucks. It’s difficult living up to high expectations. We do the best we can but sometimes there is only so much you can do.
Q. What items do you look forward to choosing on your projects?
Always pillows, art and accessories! Those finishing touches are so fun to shop for and they add so much to a space. Erin and I spend a long time shopping for accessories. We love to hunt through T.J. Maxx and thrift stores to find the perfect items.
Q. Perfect day off?
I actually love my job so my perfect day would probably involve work. lol. But honestly I love spending time with my family and my siblings and parents as well. We have so much fun together, and I feel totally relaxed and happy with them. We could be out boating, hiking, up in the mountains or just hanging around the house and we have a great time. I also love spending time with my girlfriends. I would gladly take some time during my day for a little shopping!
Q. What’s one thing your readers don’t know about you?
I used to be painfully, painfully shy. In elementary and middle school I had a really hard time making friends. Being more confident is something I’ve had to spend a lot of time working on. I’ve learned to love myself despite my many flaws. I also don’t expect too much out of myself. I don’t need to be the prettiest or the most put-together to feel happy with myself. My life is very good and I feel very content.
Thanks for sharing some of your personal thoughts and moments with us, Kirsten. I wish you and your partner the most success with your interior design business. Looking forward to watching you create more amazing designs!
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one of my absolute fave designers!!
Glad I met her at haven she rocks!
Kris {Driven by Décor}
Love this Q & A – Kirsten obviously has an amazing sense of style!
Thanks glad you like it! She does!
Victoria | the Maypop
Is it weird if I pin every one of these gorgeous pictures?!
Ha not at all- she’s does great work and is so sweet so glad I got to know her In person!
Pam @ Simple Details
Love Kirsten’s style and her sweet down-to-earth personality! Fun series, Krystine!
She’s awesome! Thank you!
Jana Bek
Love Kirsten Krason & her gorgeous style! So fun learning these fun insights into her aesthetic & start! X jana
Thanks Jana for dropping by! I love learning about these talented friends it’s so much fun!
Beth of designPOST interiors
Kirsten is one of my favorites! Everything she does just looks crisp and perfect! Its good to know that even the big dogs have people that are impossible to please although I can’t understand how anyone would be unhappy with her ideas?!
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